Dating Tips For Foreign Guys In Usa

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Dating Swedish women is the dream for generations of men from Auckland to Goose Bay and everywhere in between. There was a time that Swedish mail order brides were huge in the United States and Canada.

Sadly, that period ended with the start of the First World War and is now just a part of history.

Today to meet amazing Swedish girls you are going to need to fly into Stockholm, but it is a great place for a single man to vacation.

No, it is not a hot spot for international dating like Thailand and the Philippines. You are going to have to work a little, but – if you are willing to make a little effort – it is a great destination to meet beautiful women.

One of the best reasons for single men to visit this cold nation in far Northern Europe is that 78% of Swedish women claim they have a “high sex drive” in a recent survey. That is miles ahead of the United States, Australia, and Canada, but additionally, Swedish women are HOT!

I love Sweden. The entire world should be like Sweden. They all like to drink and get naked, and the women are hot. I can’t think of a better nation on the planet.

Drew Curtis, online news aggregator

And if this sounds too good to be true, what’s really going to blow your mind is that the majority of Swedish women are single – yes even many of the tall, slim blondes and brunettes with amazing skin and piercing eyes.

So, there are lots of sexy single women with high sexdrives. Do you really need any otherreasons to visit Sweden?

The Stockholm Dating Syndrome

Ah Sweden, the land of tall, blonde, gorgeous maidens stretchingas far as the eye can see.

That’s not actually too far off the mark, but not allSwedish women are blonde and any mental images you have of scantily clad femaleViking warriors are best left at home.

What you have in Sweden is another perfect example of aEuropean country that is home to some of the most strikingly beautiful women onthe planet, but is regularly overlooked by guys in search of a foreign wife orgirlfriend.

This means European guys are missing out on opportunities that are literally at their doorstep. And American guys are missing a chance to play one of the greatest opening lines in dating history.

Women here are beautiful, easy going and very friendly towards guys from other countries, but they have an especially weak spot for Americans.

Dating tips for foreign guys in usa today

Why are so many of these women single?

Well, Swedish socialists have controlled the government for almost a century. They have created a society with a great healthcare system, good schools, and an awesome retirement system. So, women do not need to get married, even if they have kids, and the constant attacks from Swedish feminist have cowed men into silence. Not just silence about politics, but silence about everything.

And that can really work to your advantage, because foreign men really are hotter in Sweden.

So, here are 10 tips for dating Swedish women:

Tip 1 – Funny Tricks That Swedish Women Cannot Resist!

Swedes have German roots, so they have a very similar senseof humor. And that means you’d probably need a hunting dog and a SEAL team tofind it.

That’s just the culture here, so comedy is something thatall Nordic peoples struggle with. And that also means Swedish women very rarelymeet a local guy who can tickle their funny bone.

A Swedish movie producer discussing Nordic humor explained that Swedes, “…love the dry Anglo-Saxon sense of humour…” and that is good for you my friend.

So, the fact that Swedes are polite and extraordinarilyrestrained is good news for you, as is the fact they rarely smile.

You can be the funny, quirky foreign guy who always smilesand tells jokes. This instantly makes you stand out from the hordes of seriousSwedes, and so long as you don’t overdo it you’ll find women really dig it.

Because they are not going to get that from all the tall,fit, and luckily for you very dour Swedish guys.

Tip 2 – You’re Not A Tall Nordic Male

Yes, most Swedish guys seem to be tall, handsome dudes, who dresswell and basically look like shaved and groomed Vikings. But there are so manyof them that they basically all look the same to the women.

Part of it is summed up by the old saying of familiaritybreeds contempt, so play to the fact that you’re different from most of theguys they’re used to seeing. To be fair, you probably won’t have to try veryhard because you’re not Swedish, so won’t have any of their traits.

Hell, even gingers can do well on the dating scene heresimply because they look completely different to your average Swedish male. Infact, men with red hair might just find their soulmate amongst all theredheaded women here. Yes, Swedish women can also be ginger.

Women love the prestige of dating the type of guy theirfriends haven’t dated yet, so don’t sweat the fact that you’re not 6-foot4-inches tall, blonde and look like you carry trees around for a living.

Talk, talk, talk!

Having been brought up in a liberal and modern society makes Swedish girls confident, successful, and independent. The people are not overly romanticized as many Western countries can be, so they have one of the highest percentages of singles in European countries.


If you just talk you have a shot, because most of theSwedish guys are so dry, so careful, and so dull. It is the same reason that many Swedish girlsfind a talkative American or Brit so attractive.

Swede’s are notoriously bad at small talk. Don’t let that bother you. In fact, you can make it a point to only talk to hot women and avoid chatting with all the dudes you might have to talk to in Texas or New South Wales.

The worse a woman will do is politely answer and movealong. So, be it. But a decent number of women in Stockholmwill find it interesting and endearing.

Tip 3 – Dating Is Not Dating

Global dating has its quirks, and Sweden is just chock fullof those, but in a slightly disarming and charming way.

One perfect example of this is that dating here doesn’treally exist…even though it totally does.

What exactly do we mean when we say that “dating isn’tdating”. Well, it comes down to the fact that the majority of Swedish womendon’t like the idea of dating because it implies commitment to somebody theybarely know.

So, never ask them out on a date because it has the sameeffect as farting in an elevator.

But you most definitely can ask them out for fika, which is an informal date for coffee and pastries. Friends also have fika, so that’s why Swedes prefer it to an actual “date”.

If you have fika with the same girl several times sheprobably knows you’re interested in dating her, but never refer to yourmeetings as “a date”, even if you’ve met her for coffee and cinnamon bunsseveral times.

Oh and this weirdness extends to things like a movie anddrinks or inviting her out to dinner i.e. even if it’s obvious that you’regoing on a date, please never refer to it as a date.

If you grew up in one of the more conservative parts of theUnited States, say Utah or Mississippi, you will probably find this lack ofcommitment relaxing.

Tip 4 – Avoid The Vanity

Swedish men are good looking, but they’re vain AF too. Itmust be genetic because some of the women are equally vain and shallow. Theyknow they’re really beautiful and sometimes their ego gets the better of them.

There is a joke about Swedish men that goes something likethis, “Why do Swedish men always go outside when there’s lightning?”

“Because they think someone’s taking a picture of them!”

To be fair, if you grew up looking like Alex Skarsgard’sbody double then you’d probably be a little bit vain too.

But the thing is that women actually hate vanity in a man. They might tolerate it, but deep down women want their men to be men…even Swedish feminists.

Take care of your appearance by all means, but avoidspending more time in the mirror than your girlfriend. You might skip the hairgel, for instance.

The reason why she’s dating a non-Swedish guy like you is soshe doesn’t have to put up with the level of narcissistic vanity she gets withlocal guys.

Tip 5 – Hug But Don’t Kiss

Typical of Sweden, unlike pretty much every other country onthe planet, you don’t kiss women on the cheek when you meet them.

Not ever!

Not even if you’ve known them for a while and they’re comfortable in your company. If you accidentally do lean in to kiss any Swedish woman on the cheek don’t get butt hurt when she recoils in horror.

But hugging is totally fine. In fact, hugging before andafter meeting a woman is expected, especially if you’re meeting for fika. Ifyou don’t hug her before and after fika then she’ll wonder what’s wrong withyou.

Just no kissing of the cheek, or anywhere else on her face.

But how do you know when to let go from a hug after fika ordrinks? After all, this is the easiest transition to a kiss known to man.


You tread very carefully, and hug for just slightly longerthan is usual, and if she doesn’t pull away then she feels the same way.

Tip 6 – She’s Probably A Feminist But…

Sweden is viewed as something of a feminist utopia, and manywomen would classify themselves as feminists, just not the blue-haired SJWtype. We’re talking classical feminism where it’s about equality of opportunityand not a hatred of men and everything phallic.

But despite all the gender equality hoo-ha you read about,and Swedes like to boast about, women are still women here. They haven’tflushed their femininity away despite the fact they embrace feminist ideals.Anything but, in fact!

All those liberal Swedish guys who refuse to hold open adoor, or pull her chair out? Yeah, don’t be one of those. She’s had a gutful ofmen who are afraid to show any manly instincts (these people were Vikings forthe love of Pete!) in case they offend somebody.

Don’t be afraid to behave in a gentlemanly manner, becauseeven the most staunch Swedish feminist can’t resist a touch of chivalry in aguy.

One exception here is that if she offers to split the billwith you then don’t get into an argument over it. Swedish women are notoriouslyfinancially independent. The plus side here is that gold diggers are almostnowhere to be found.

Tip 7 – Speak In Public

No, this doesn’t mean you have to join Toast Masters. Youalready know that Swedes are very reserved, and this includes having randomconversations with relative strangers in public or on public transport.

This almost never happens.

Swedish guys avoid these situations like the plague itself,even if they’re sitting next to a particularly stunning girl who’s reading thesame book they are, for example.

This staggering level of social awkwardness and restraintmeans that Swedish women simply aren’t used to guys speaking to them in publicplaces, so it’s virgin territory. No pun intended.

Just remember that looking for opportunities to chat with anattractive woman isn’t the same as talking to them if they’re obviously notinterested in talking to you.

Tip 8 – Don’t Be A Player

Don’t ever consider dating more than one Swedish girl at atime. While your girlfriend will be fine with you meeting other female friendsfor fika, she’ll assume that your relationship with her is 100% exclusive.

The problem is she might never have said this directly toyou. Because that’s how things roll in Sweden i.e. you went straight from fikato a long-term relationship without ever uttering the word “date”.

You can hang out with as many Swedish women as you want, butif your girlfriend catches you actually flirting with them, or trying to have aside girl, then she’ll dump you quicker than you can say vad hände?

She took a lot of time to come to a decision to actually date you, so any betrayal – perceived or otherwise – on your part is pretty much the worst thing you can do to her.

Tip 9 – Pay Her Compliments

Another quirk of the dating scene here is that most guyswon’t pay girls a compliment. This is not because they don’t want to, but againit’s one of those social norms here where girls rarely have guys wax lyricalabout how pretty they are.

Or it’s the exact opposite, with some drunken moron yelling“compliments” at her in the street.

Dating Tips For Foreign Guys In Usa

Either way this is a pretty crappy experience for theseNordic beauties, so you should be the change you want to see in the world.

She’ll probably be surprised to hear the first complimentyou pay her, and she’ll love the attention…so long as you don’t overdo it.Yes, even feminists want to hear that they look cute or sexy.

Hint: Don’t overdo it. They hate this ALMOST as much asgetting no compliments at all.

Tip 10 – Know The Local Dating Rules

And our final tip is a kind of roundup of things you need toknow to make your Swedish dating adventure as successful as possible.

The first of these is that you should text her as often asshe texts you. Don’t play mind games where you don’t reply to texts for72-hours. She’ll assume you’re not interested, and then promptly lose interestin you.

Be nice to her friends. Why? Because most Swedish guys don’tmake the effort to do that, and she values her friend’s opinion of you as muchas she does her own. You don’t have to be best friends with her girl friends,but don’t be dismissive of them either.

Once you’re actually in a relationship, expect to see yourgirlfriend at least twice a week. Most adult Swedes live alone, so don’t expectto move in straight away. If you don’t spend time with her on a regular basisshe’ll dump you because she simply doesn’t have the time or patience to figureout what you want.

Public displays of affection such as hugging, or puttingyour arm around her waist, are acceptable. But kissing in public isn’tsomething most young Swedish couples do.

Swedish girls have a slightly unrealistic view of how thereal world works, so avoid discussing biological differences between men andwomen, or anything that might shake her socialist views of the world.

And finally, Swedish women don’t flirt. If they like whatthey see they’ll come and take it. Yes, really.

Special Tip For American Men

OK, sometimes it is good to be an American. At Thanksgiving, the Fourth of July, or in asituation somewhere in Africa where nothing is going to save you short of aspecial forces team. Or if you are asingle American guy visiting Sweden.

You see Sweden and the United States have a special relationship. About 1.5 million Swedish immigrants came to the United States before 1923. These Swedes were often poor farmers who had been too poor to have big families in the old country, but in the United States it was a different matter and Swedes often had gigantic immigrant families.

At one point, Chicago had more Swedes than Stockholm andMinnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and the Dakotas had huge numbers of Swedishsettlers. That is why you see Lutheranchurches spread across the region.


So, an American can pretty well show up in Sweden and say heis researching his family tree. It iscommon and a lot less creepy than claiming you are coming to try to pick upSwedish bikini models. And really, doyou KNOW you are not partially descended from some crazy Swedish guy?

Seriously, it is hard to be sure.

And in fact, lots of people from Scotland and England aredescended from earlier Nordic immigrants. Sure, we call those guys Vikings, but we can’t really choose ourancestors.

And though, this tip works best for American men, Swedesalso immigrated in large numbers to Canada, and some must have had the goodsense to get to Australia and New Zealand in the old days.

Summing Up Swedish Blondes

As you can see, Swedish women have their quirks, but if you follow these tips then you will be able to navigate the dating scene there successfully and with a minimum of headaches. Because of the feminist culture Swedish girls tend to be independent and super low maintenance.

The problem for them is that Swedish men are scared to make even that much effort, because they have been pounded by a century of feminism and even old traditions from Lutheranism and Old Norse culture. So, if you are a normal American, Canadian, or British guy you are going to seem like a paragon of traditional male charm.

If you are Australian, they will probably think you are acaveman, so don’t overdo it. Don’t actlike a macho jerk, but being friendly, chatty, and confident can really workwonders in Sweden, especially if you are funny.

And do remember, if you are a jerk Swedish women will shootyou down – fast. So, just be friendly,funny, and don’t let the silence bother you. You are not trying to make Sweden into Tennessee you are simply tryingto strike up a conversation with a pretty girl or two.

If you get that far then you have to see if there is anychemistry, but remember, in Sweden, because of those awesome socialist, thereis no social stigma to hooking up. So,there are tons of sexy single women living in a country with no stigma to hookingup.

Does that sound good?

Well, it’s also worth mentioning that the birth rate inSweden is in crisis right now, so there are now lots of single feminists who wantto be Swedish brides. They’re actively looking for men who want to settle downand have kids, because feminism won’t keep you warm at night or share yourgolden years with you.

All of these things makes Sweden one of the single bestplaces on the planet right to meet single, beautiful women who have the exactsame life goals as you.

And if you don’t find the woman of your dreams in Stockholmyou can check out our Ukrainian blonds. They are actually distant cousins to sexySwedish girls. I am sure you can see the resemblance.

Last Updated on November 9, 2021

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Online Dating Tips For Guys

The idea behind this app is to let people be authentic and find people who like them for who they are deep down inside. It’s available for individuals in many countries, such as Sweden, Brazil, France, Spain, Denmark, and more.

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MeetMe has been in existence since 2005 and is a free international dating site. Users can browse other people’s profiles, chat with them, and create discussion threads and streams on a computer or a mobile device. This site has 100 million users globally and lets you match with people regardless of their age group.

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Final Thoughts

The Internet offers a host of international dating sites for women and men, but the ones above are the top choices. Some websites cater specifically to long-distance relationships, while others are general use but allow you to meet people anywhere on the globe. is a great choice with a huge user base, but some people also really love InternationalCupid for its tailored atmosphere for international daters. Now that you know your options, you can get out there and find the right person for you.